Litigation Services
Let’s just get this straight: nobody litigates for the fun of it. Workplace disputes are an inevitable part of doing business, but they’re distracting, unproductive, usually expensive, and an incredible drain on time and energy.
But we understand that at times litigation is necessary, and our workplace lawyers are experienced, and successful in the courtroom.
Here is what we do:
Wrongful and Constructive dismissal – we handle all aspects of termination and constructive dismissal claims and defenses, including mediation, motions, and trials. Our employment lawyers are experienced, and will get you the results you need.
Competitive activity and Fiduciary Duty – our workplace lawyers have particular expertise in dealing with claims against former employees who are trying to hurt your business.
Labour Relations – we have many years of experience as Labour Relations Lawyers before the Ontario Labour Relations Board and arbitrators. Our labour lawyers deal with certification applications, related employer applications, grievance arbitrations and everything in between.
Human Rights – our employment lawyers have been involved in all matters of proceedings before the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, including mediation/arbitration and hearings.
Occupational Health and Safety prosecutions – we have experience with trials under the Provincial Offices Act, as well as counsel at Coroner’s Inquest and Ontario Labour Relations Board proceedings. The experience of our employment lawyers has taken us through several workplace fatalities over the years, and we have a deep understanding of the special challenges that something so serious can have.
If you've been searching for “best employment lawyers near me”, “best employment law firms”, or “labour lawyers near me”, you've come to the right place! At Goulart Workplace Lawyers, we pride ourselves on being one of the best employment law firms in the business. We have a team of experienced and knowledgeable workplace lawyers who are dedicated to protecting and defending your interests. We're here to help you through every step of the process, from filing a claim to mediation to trial. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. You won't be disappointed.