June 11, 2020 to June 11, 2021

One Year. What a year.  

There has been more societal change in the last 12 months than at any other time since the end of WWII. Hard to believe.

In this time, we have experienced:

  • Two Stay at Home Orders in Ontario

  • Several lockdowns, with the country’s largest city in continuous lockdown since November 23, 2020

  • Complete industries brought to a literal standstill

  • Education transformed and transformed again

  • Vaccines developed, manufactured, distributed, and administered (twice, in an increasing number)

  • Workplaces, and the very idea of how we work, completely altered – for many maybe permanently

 Of course, this all started at the beginning of 2020.  And this list is not intended to downplay the sheer loss of life, the burden on our health care system and providers, and the impact on our collective psyche and mental health.  It’s all been very difficult.

Will we ever go back to “normal”?  What is “normal”?  What lessons have we learned?  Nobody knows for sure, but it appears that we are finally turning the corner.  Today, Ontario opens a little bit more – which is very positive.

Despite all of this, we launched our little firm one year ago today.  We are humbled by the trust and confidence that has been placed upon us.  As a new hope emerges, we are as committed as ever to helping our clients move forward.  The articles listed below are designed to help them (you) do just that.

Thank you to our clients.  Thank you to our team members.

Here’s to a brighter future, and to a non-Zoom party someday.


Battle of the Superior Courts on IDEL


Employees placed on deemed IDEL may be able to claim Constructive Dismissal